Art Therapy

an art therapist sits with a patient and guides her hand as she works on a painting

Arts in Healing

From mindful art installations to evidence-based therapy interventions, MUSC believes that the arts can improve your health and well-being. Arts in Healing’s diverse programming is focused on both clinical and non-clinical needs within health care and the community at large. Learn more about MUSC Arts in Healing.

Our oncology programs include a vast art collection throughout both our inpatient oncology spaces and outpatient clinics, musician and artist volunteer opportunities, and creative arts therapy services that help both patients and caregivers.

a woman stands looking at a row of framed artwork hanging on the wall of a patient waiting area

Art Therapy Support Group for Cancer Survivors

MUSC Hollings Cancer Center's Survivorship Program is excited to announce a new, creative support group for adult survivors of cancer. The aim of the group is to create opportunities for participants to explore feelings and build community with others who are navigating a similar journey. Led by a registered and board-certified art therapist, the art making process will be a tool for discussions and connection. No prior art experience or skills necessary.

Ensuring there is no cost to participants, this program is entirely supported by generous donors to the Patient Services Support Fund. An RSVP is required for the 8-week group, so please email Anne Puckett at to reserve your spot.

Upcoming session

Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
January 16 to March 6 (8 weeks)

1513 Mathis Ferry Rd.
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464